Jaganmohan Reddy (One of the 13 Judges of the Supreme Court in the famous, Kesavananda Bharati Case [(1973) 4 SCC 225] and joined the majority of 7 Judges in deciding that the amending power of the Parliament was Limited once said, I had also met at Leeds, Mr. Mohammed Ail Jinnah who had also come to attend the Round Table Conference. I was impressed by his achievements as a lawyer and at his sage advice to me. He said, ‘Reddy, (Justice P. Jaganmohan Reddy) when you are in physical pain, with a headache, a stomach ache, or any other pain; you would readily take any medicine given to you, even by a student of medicine. But when you are in material or mental trouble, or your freedom or your properties are involved; you want the best lawyer, so good that you have to mortgage your wife’s last jewelry to engage him, you would do so. If you want to be a lawyer, you should be one like that.’
Another piece of advice he gave me was this, ‘after you become a lawyer and are practising, you should have a place where you can be found by those who require your help. Even if you have no work, you should be found at that place. Or a message should be left about where you could be found. If you have no work to attend on any day, you should nonetheless be at that place and keep yourself busy, keep yourself up to date with the Law or read a novel, magazine or any booklet, but you must be there.’ I am greatly impressed and am thankful for his concern for me. At that time, he (Jinna) had not taken any adverse stand against the Unity of India.