Golden Advice — Experience in Court

A young lawyer got his first brief after becoming independent. It was a challenging task for him to prepare the case. He met a senior lawyer in the field of law and requested his help to prepare the case. The Senior lawyer immediately advised him to find out and go to root of the
case, namely the law governing the facts of the case including Service Regulation of the department and to study the rules, regulations and GOs and to prepare the case. On his valuable advice the young lawyer studied them and he was able to prepare the case well and present before the Court. The senior lawyer later became a judge of our High Court and later on CJ of a High Court. Thus the senior lawyer not only gave the solution for that particular case but had also paved the path for preparation in each and every case prepared by the young lawyer. The senior lawyer had also advised that a lawyer should prepare his case so well and in depth so that lawyer will be prepared for final hearing
and not just for admission.
Lesson:- This golden advice of the senior lawyer has helped and guided the young lawyer not just in that case but in each and every case in his career.

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