Neither Roses, nor Thorns -By Justice H.R. Khanna

Life, I have found, is neither roses nor thorns, it is, as I said earlier, a mixed fare. It has its moments of exultation and periods of frustration, it’s high points of achievements and successes, and it’s depressing phases of failures and disappointments. We have to take life as it is – a continuous activity and struggle with its sublime and shadows, its joys and sorrows, its comic aspects and tragic episodes. In the journey of life, we come across people of all types. I, however, feel that by and large, human beings as basically good. I have also found that there are some who belong to the highest species of nobility but who otherwise live in obscurity – some unknown gems of purest ray serene.

-By Justice H.R. Khanna (whose verdict tilted the decision in the Kesavanandha Barathi Case) – From “Neither Roses, nor Thorns”

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