Doctrine of Stare Decisis

The Doctrine of Stare Decisis, meaning to stand by decided cases, rests upon the principle that law by which men are governed should be fixed, definite and known. Where a Principle of law has become established by a series of decisions, it is binding on the Courts. Judgements which have held the field for a fairly long time ought not to be disturbed unless there is a prepondering necessity dictated by the demands of justice to overturn them.

(1) Sakshi -vs- UOI
[(2004) 5 SCC 518]

(2) Mishri Lal -vs- Dhirendra Nath
[(1994) 4 SCC 11]

(3) S. Brahmanand -vs- K.R. Muthu Gopal
[(2005) 12 SCC 764].

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