Honeybees of Solomon – By Justice K.T.Thomas

Experience in Court –A Professor Escaped from Disaster


A young professor was convicted for the offence of Dowry death and sentenced to 7 years of imprisonment, based on the 7 letters of his wife stating that she was harassed by her husband with the demand of dowry and she wished to end her life, which was written before she consumed poison.

During the hearing of the Criminal Appeal, the Bench asked the Advocate about the advisability of admitting that the accused got some dowry only at the time of marriage and not thereafter, as was his defence. The accused instructed his advocate to admit the same. That conduct of the accused gave to the Judges an inkling that the further case of the accused that he did not demand any dowry also be true.

In order to find out the truth of the allegation, one of the Judges told the Court Officer to send the entire case records to his residence and he went through the records item-by-item. While perusing the diaries of the deceased, one entry in the diary struck his attention, namely, _“met Dr. Sukumaran”_. On the next hearing, the Bench summoned Dr. Sukumaran, who deposed that the deceased was suffering from Schizophrenia and had suicidal tendencies and further said that the deceased told him not to disclose the said fact to her husband.

With the said disclosure made by the Doctor, the whole gamut of the case took a different turn, the Judges, on perusal of the investigation file, found that none of the witnesses stated that there was any quarrel between the spouses at any time for demand of dowry. The resultant position was that the Bench acquitted the professor.

The author of the judgment, namely, Justice K.T. Thomas said – “That entry in the diary was a honeybee sent to us by the Almighty to guide us to avert the disaster to the professor” From, Honeybees of Solomon – Justice K.T.Thomas

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